I think it's all about proportion, little boobs are nice on little girls (er, I mean petite women, not young girls...) and big boobs are great on a lady who's a bit curvy. The other way round seems a bit strange to me...
Also, big boobs need to have some composure (i.e. firmness), pointing south = bad!
PS - quality night out on Thursday, was good to meet Mike, Emma etc. See you next week!
I am currently in the departure lounge of heathrow airport...
So cool right now!
I think that after previous brushes with all shapes and sizes of boob, big and small, firm and floppy that it doesn't really matter, what does matter is that the lady in question is comfortable with her body-now that's sexy...
Cool kids, good answers. Jamin I like your repetative use of the same word, it represents your love of that word, but also the quantity of boobies which I know is a personal favourite of yours.
I have found one exception where big boobies work on slim girls, in porno's. You can't beat a slimy bird with big boobies get spunked all over - wicked!
I didn't mean to say " a slimy girl", that wouldn't be very nice at all, not even in a porno. I meant to say a slim bird with big boobies get spunked all over - wicked!
I don't know, sometimes in the 'blue' movies i've seen the birds have been slimy... i was strangely aroused but any spunk would be lost on them... Also I once saw a film where two girls were doing it in a 69 fashion, but instead of the normal bits to lick, they were licking there bum holes like they contained nutella or something. That was cool. Not really linked with boobies, but it sure made me smile so i thought i'd share with the group.
Well done on the bum hole licking ability, I'm sure it comes in very handy when you run out of toilet paper. I wish I could do that, I would do it all the time, what a great trick. Does it help you get with the ladies. They love a man that has a few tricks up his sleeve. So I've heard.
Anyway back to the blue movies, big boobies (natural are good but the fake ones are firmest) are good for when the lady gets a mans willy, plays with it until it goes hard, like mine at the moment, and puts it between her boobies and jiggles around until the man does a sex wee on her.