whats up? good to hear sherm is making his mark on ukl scene with his fist podium finish! lovely stuff! ive sent some pic out now and i hope you like em, the one of the boy is of the very highest quality and withouit doubt the best photo ive ever taken and or seen, i love it! luke where were you for the brits we were in the 2 alps and expect a bit of hampshire banter, may be see you at the next one eh? canadians - id love to see some snaps any chance? may be mike can post em on the website? the others- i hope your france trip is good peace out my niggas
I qulified for the O'Neil Pro Freestyle which clashed with the brits. But i was up against people like gian simmen, stephan gimple, gigi ruf and nickolaz droz. It was scary as ya like but i place 17th out of around 40.