Ha Ha, I am making porn-opoly. As this suggest it is monopoly with pornstars, and as such I have to research the subject ALOT on the internet. As a result I have filled my new computer's hard drive with lots of pictures and films of loverly looking ladies with bits and bobs stuck way up holes that get stretched to far! Its great.
Anyway, if you like this kind of thing aswell I will have porn-opoly finished soon as I fail my second year through downloading to much porn.
And if you want a preview of the kind of loverly ladies I will be including in the porn-opoly check this website I found:
Just remember to sit down before partaking in any self gratification, as whilst in a state of arousal blood flows from the extremities to the genitals, causing a lack of oxygenated blood to reach the brain, resulting, in some cases, in fainting or black-outs...