Ahh, for this maybe the trickiest question man has ever faced. And although all maybe noisey or quiet in the forest, there may not be anything there at all - for as the question asks, it is an EMPTY forest?!
But the urgency of the moment is included in this next of questions for although I being of the wisest is proper stumped on such a grey matter, for the question I ask requires no scientific answer, only one that will satisfy my enquizened brain (I just invented that word - enquizened). The question of questions is as follows:
For why does this water fall from thy sky? It's is getting me and myself all soaky wet and bewildered, why does this liquid confuse and drench I? Does it hold some sort of primevil grudge on thyself and ones garments, have i upset the bucket from which this water comes?
are you a retard? that is the question. the answer to your question oh wisest of wise who can't be that wise, ok maybe quite wise some days and wiseless others but he could have a wireless, maybe in some hay, he might stay, come on over to....day. its simple, its the water cycle just ask any 7 year old for that is when the water cycle is taught to these young wise children at school. surely we should be lookin towards these youngsters for any wisdom. take my nephew....the big cass.......this guy sits there playin with his toys but if you put a piece of paper in his hand he can sit there mesmurised for ages with this single piece of dried wood pulp. what does he know about the paper that causes him to sit tranfixed, what does he know that we don't, this paper must hold something, it must contain something that can put a kid in a trance, something that we adults new at his age but have since relinquished this knowledge to the backs of our minds never to be unlocked again. maybe he is transfixed to the paper because he has found the answer yes the answer to all questions about rain, dogs running into forests, trees fallin with no sound, wise questions and wiser answers, yes my nephew and your nephew and niece have found the answer and its stairing them in the face, touching their hands, its fiberous surface brushing against thier skin...its the paper. but where is the paper i hear you ask.......its everywhere......look around you the paper holds the questions, the paper holds the answers, the paper holds the wisdom, its in books, scientists notebooks, dissitations its everywhere and whats on this paper? everything we need to kinow. you just have to find the right piece of paper to answer your question.
DON'T mention the paper.....shhhhhhhhh, the computer will hear. As it is the computer with its wires and circuits that holds the key to the power of all. I must go as I have to pull a big sword from a stone. Waste not your life on the paper for it will only cut you and fill your waste bins! It's is the trees revenge..........
P.S, say bonjour to your fair maiden, and are the pair of you still coming to the beer festival. It's next friday. Checketh your calendar and return to me forth and with your information. You will need the friday off of work to travel to the beer dispensing location. It is essential.